I am pleased to announce that registration for the 2024-25 Catechetical Year is now open. We are continuing to use the Family of Faith program we’ve been using, aiming to empower parents and guardians to hand on the faith to their children.Confirmation now takes place in 8th Grade but starts in 7th grade. The program lasts for 1 ½ years (from fall of 7th grade to fall of 8th grade) with children receiving confirmation in the fall semester of their 8th Grade year. In practice, some students will be confirmed in 9th or 10th grade because they were caught in transition. We are asking all students entering 7th grade or above to register for Confirmation. Regardless of age, students entering the program in Fall of 2024 will receive Confirmation in November or December of 2025.
“Who are catechists? They are people who keep the memory of God alive; they keep it alive and themselves, and they are able to revive it in others.”
-Pope Francis
Sunday Mass attendance is required every week for children & parents.
On the 1st Sunday of each month (usually), all parents and children are expected to attend our whole family catechism class.
Parents/Guardians and Grades 6-12 will meet in the parish hall
Children in 5th grade and below will use the Kitchen and Classroom to engage in activities while parents and older siblings are attending class.
One Thursday night each month (usually the 3rd Thursday) at 6pm, we will have a family night. Attendance is expected.
This will consist of 30 minutes of additional information for growth in the faith, followed by a meal and communal time.
The focus will be spending time together, though we will sometimes have review games or activities. Building community is an important part of faith formation. Feel free to bring board games, card games, or other fun communal activities.
This is an open event, so please invite anyone you’d like.
1st Communion (2nd Grade, ends May 4, 2025) expectations:
If a 1st Communion student cannot attend Mass at St. John’s on a particular weekend, they must get a signed bulletin from the Church where they attend.
All parents/guardians will be given materials to take home. They are to use these materials to help their own children understand Confession and the Eucharist
All 1st Communion students & their parents/guardians are required to attend two Mornings of Reflection.
Saturday, Dec 7, 2024 at 9am
Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 9am
All 1st Communion students not in Catholic school will attend two additional classes each month, following the 9am Mass
Those in Catholic schools are welcome to attend as well, but not required
Confirmation Expectations
(7th grade and up, ends December of 2025)
If a Confirmation student cannot attend Mass at St. John’s on a particular weekend, they must get a signed bulletin from the Church where they attend.
All Confirmation students are required to attend Youth Group meetings each month.
This includes students enrolled in Catholic Schools
This will usually fall on the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of the month and is focused on community, discipleship, and service
Parents, guardians, and sponsors are welcome to attend as well.
Students not in Catholic School will attend a second additional class each month.
This will usually fall on the 3rd or 4th Sunday of the month and will focus on learning the core teachings of the faith.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to attend as well.
All Confirmation students and their parents/guardians will attend three miniature retreats. These events are mandatory.
The first one is Sunday, Sept 15th, 2024 beginning with the 9am Mass and concluding by 2pm.
The second is Sunday, Jan 12, 2025
The third is Sunday, Sept 14th, 2025
If there is good reason to miss these events, a student may make it up by attending an alternate retreat with another Catholic Church.
Sporting and dance events are not considered valid reasons to miss.
All Confirmation students are expected to participate at least one time in the summer Theology of the Body workshop in July. Attending twice is advisable since the program varies each summer.
This can be done the summer before they start or during the summer between their spring and 2nd fall semesters.
If there is a good reason the student cannot attend either summer, they may be able to make it up with an approved replacement program. Please speak with me if this becomes necessary.
All Confirmation students will complete 15 service hours and 30 spiritual hours over the course of 18 months
These will be turned in in increments of 5 and 10 hours each semester.
Service hours are gained through acts of service to non-family members.
Spiritual hours are gained through spiritual practices other than attending Sunday Mass.
Opportunities for each will be provided, but students will need to seek additional opportunities in order to reach the amount required.
Sponsors of Confirmation candidates must meet the proper criteria:
At least 16 years old & Confirmed in the Catholic Church
Actively practicing their faith
Regular Mass attendance
Not living in public contradiction to Church teaching
If they are married, they must have been married in the Church
They must complete the proper form, which is to be signed by the pastor of the Catholic Church they attend
Sponsors will participate in the third miniature retreat, the rehearsal, and attend the Confirmation itself. They are welcome at any other events as well.
Significant absences in classes or required events will result in delaying Confirmation to the following year.
Children 13 and older who are already Confirmed are asked to participate in the monthly Youth Group meeting
This will usually fall on the 2nd or 3rd Sunday of the month and is focused on community, discipleship, and service.
This coincides with the meeting required of students still preparing for Confirmation.
Youth Group will also plan occasional trips and special events.
Registration Details
Cost, Materials, and Paperwork
Registration fee is $25 per family
There is an additional fee of $25 for each child in 1st Communion or Confirmation
If your child is already enrolled in last year’s Confirmation class, please indicate that on the registration form. You do not have to pay the fee a second time.
Hardship waivers are available. Speak with me if you want this waiver.
Please visit the parish website –– to complete the registration. There is a link there to complete payment as well. You can also visit the office to pay by cash or check.
Required books
A bible (NABRE, RSVCE, JB, or ESV-Catholic)
I recommend the “Didache Bible”
A Catechism of the Catholic Church
Required paperwork
If your child was baptized at a church other than St. John the Evangelist in Jeanerette, you will need to contact the parish where they were baptized
Ask them to send a new copy of their baptismal certificate to our office at: Saint John the Evangelist, 1510 Church St, Jeanerette, LA 70544.
Completed sponsor forms for each Confirmation student. Due by April 6, 2025
Completed Service and Spiritual Hours forms for each Confirmation student due November 17, 2024; May 11, 2025; and November 16, 2025.
As always, thank you for being a part of our parish family and I look forward to being together with you all as we deepen our knowledge and love of this great faith we share.
In Christ,
Fr. Paul Broussard,
Saint John the Evangelist, Jeanerette